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6th Annual "BoardWALK" for Childhood Cancer - Galveston, Island

The Julia Cobb - JuCan Foundation "Galveston BoardWALK" is a fundraising event honoring kids & families who have battled CANcer! The 4.13 mile walk along the beach was created in memory of, 8 year old Julia Cobb, who courageously fought Ewing's sarcoma for two years. During her treatment in Houston, at the MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital, Julia and her family would escape to Galveston to WALK in prayer and hope for a cure. The 4.13 mile walk honors Julia's favorite scripture, Philippians 4:13. St. Patrick's Day is also Julia's birthday. She would have been 16 this year (2021).

The Julia Cobb - JuCan Foundation BoardWALK honors ALL champions who have, or are fighting CANcer. This walk is one of awareness for underfunded childhood cancer, and a fundraiser for the mission & programs of the JuCan Foundation. JuCan's committment is to standby and support families in the Greater Houston area and beyond during their cancer journey. Help us reach our goal, and help us help families!!!!

This years event was a tremendous success. Thank you to all who participated and donated to bring awareness to underfunded #ChildhoodCancer. You can still donate to help us reach our goal. GIVE HERE

#JuCan #UCan #GodCAN Saving children and rescuing families who are fighting for a cure with the first three letters in Cancer CAN (C-onquer, A-dvocate, N-ext Generation!

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