OUR Mission
Saving children and rescuing families who are fighting for a cure with the first three letters in Cancer.
C-onquer, A-dvocate, N-avigate
A cancer diagnosis to a child or teenager, and his/her family can be a long and difficult journey. The decisions to find the right treatment center and choose the best therapies to "find a cure" can be allusive, time consuming, and expensive. The JuCan mission helps to support individuals in their quest to find a cure. JuCan helps by providing financial support to families needing assistance with:
Relocating & Travel Expenses - Temporary Housing - Insurance Co-pays - 2nd opinions
Advocate - At the heart of the JuCan mission is a commitment to be voice for those who have no voice. We advocate for better therapies & more funding for Childhood Cancer Research.
Navigate - Supporting families through the cancer treatment process, we believe in "walking with families" through their journey and helping to support every member in the family.
"During my daughter, Julia's treatment for Ewing's sarcoma, our family moved 7 times. We traveled to the MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital, Memorial Sloan Kettering, St. Jude, and Seattle Children's just to name a few, in order to find a cure. The financial burden of these decisions was overwhelming. No family should have to choose inferior treatment for their child because they cannot afford the best treatment possible. The JuCan Foundation supports families in the moment they need it the most, when they must make life-changing choices to find a cure."
-Jonathan Cobb, President -JuCan Foundation