Big Circle Of Texas Love in #Houston
Historical delivery to MD Anderson Cancer Center #mdandersonchildrenscancerhospital for the 10th Annual #JuliaCobbToyDrive & Adopt-A-Family. #TeamJuCan and friends delivered its largest toy donation ever! It was beyond amazing to witness the love of so many Texans delivering ~10,000 toys in 3 trucks. Our thanks to friends, family, and our generous partners for bringing so much love to kid’s and families dealing with cancer this Christmas!
Abacus Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electrical #JuCanFoundation #JuCan #UCan #GodCAN #JuCanChristmas #JuCanHouston #JuCanTexas El Bolillo Bakery CoCo Crêpes, Waffles & Coffee #homedepotwoodlandstx #HomeDepotConroeTx